Do you think ordinary citizens in the general population should be carrying Taser Guns around to defend themselves? Do you think that they should be used ONLY by trained professionals such as security guards and law enforcement? Why should we question the use of a Taser by lay persons if it is only considered a “non-lethal” weapon? To answer this question one would have to consider the end result and the degree of control that such a weapon exerts on the victim in its sights.
Unlike a Stun Gun that needs to be applied being in close contact, the Taser allows you to keep a safe distance away from your perpetrator. You see a TASER, unlike a stun gun, shoots two metal barbs with long conductor cables that pierce and latch right into a perpetrator's skin. This weapon can be fired from a distance away from the intended victim so that the operator can safely apply the voltage for certain duration and to flee their attacker and get to safety. Once those barbs latch on to them, the victim is essentially at the mercy of an electro-shock master puppeteer. The one that controls the Taser has the final say on when and how long to zap you into a complete loss of muscular control. He also has the last word on when to let you off the hook.

So we really need to ask ourselves in advance of carrying such a device, whether or not we want to accept that kind of responsibility. If you carry such a weapon with the intent to use it if necessary, you possess the potential power over life and death, especially if a victim has certain risk factors? Remember that legally speaking we take the victim as we find them. In other words, we cannot say we didn't know they were ultra sensitive to such high voltage and current if they die or are seriously injured by our hand.
But does the small percentage of those who have been seriously hurt or killed by a Taser really make it wrong for ordinary citizens to carry one? I feel as though, it is better safe than sorry. I feel strongly that this a risk that must fall upon a "perpetrator" of a crime and not the innocent victim who carries a Taser to defend themselves. Anyone that would blatantly defy the law and act violently toward the population, must be willing to take that risk when they choose to be a threat and a menace to society. Their intentional resolve to do harm is far worse than the slim chance that you take that a causing a lethal outcome will result by using a Taser in self-defense. I would take my chances in court with a plea of self-defense rather than possibly becoming a corpse by not defending myself.
Please feel free to comment and speak your mind concerning safety issues that affect all of us. Any reasonable suggestion, tip, or advice will help all of us "Take a Bite Out of Crime" like McGruff