The front face has a replicated smart-phone wallpaper with the appropriate icons for things like the time (military) and even phony a camera button. It is very lightweight and easy to grasp in a hurry to ward off a potential attack upon you or your loved ones. It also comes with a handy LED flashlight feature between the 2 shock probes at the front (reasonably bright though not as bright as some would like) that will definitely help you find a keyhole or your way around at night when it's dark outside.
It has a built-in rechargeable battery and a charging cord that comes with it for those who don't like buying batteries every week or so. It also has a vinyl case that will mount to your belt as well as a black drawstring bag for the ladies to store this monster in their purse. HINT, you may be in danger if she tells you, "excuse me, I have to take a call." Overall this a bargain piece and a real novelty for those who need a conversation starter. But that's not all, it really does the job that is designed to do with that 12,000,000 Volts and the 4.9 amps for the knock-down power that you would expect from a Stun Master Stun Gun.