A swimming pool can be the source of a lot of fun and exercise during the year without ever leaving your home. California is known for its overall warm weather and many outsiders picture a typical home in the sunny state as coming standard with a luxurious swimming pool. To many, having a pool in your yard is a status symbol of sorts that suggests that you have achieved the American Dream. Unfortunately, for over 900 families a year, it has become an "American Nightmare" that evokes images of a child that has needlessly drown in their own or a someone else's swimming pool. In fact,
pool drownings are the number one cause of child death among children who are between the ages of 1 and 4 in California. These drownings may have been the result of a moment of distraction, a lack of adequate supervision, or even outright negligence, but in any case, they might have been avoided had someone been alerted before it was too late.
There really is no substitute for an adult or responsible swimmer being present to supervise children while they are having fun in the pool for children to be safe. But too many times that is not possible and children have a tendency to seek out pool fun on their own when you may be unaware. Children are naturally curious and the fun times associated water play make a swimming pool too great a temptation to resist for them.

sometimes have a tendency to unexpectedly drift away and head directly towards certain potentially dangerous areas around the home or like the cement pond out back, Obviously, it follows that if we have a pool, then we need to be responsible and take precautions warn us or other measures to prevent them from being there unattended. Some put up fences around the pool with a locked gate and an alarm in case it is accidentally left unlocked. Some states actually require this by law. But as experience tells us, even with the best efforts to safety-proof your pool someone will slip through the cracks and end up in
your pool uninvited. Experience also tells us that most disasters usually strike quickly when we are totally off-guard. It happens, and we all need help sometimes to increase the odds that a better outcome will result in the end.
This is where the Safe Family Life POOL ALARM SYSTEM comes into play. The POOL ALARM SYSTEM is the icing on the cake when it comes to pool safety. When all else fails, the Pool Alarm provides that extra safeguard that can mean the difference between life and death for a curious child or even a pet. The Pool Alert Dual Alarm feature will alert those on the outside and on the inside of your home that someone or something is now in the water and moving around in your pool. The disturbance causes water movement to trigger a sensor within the unit that then actuates the audible alarm. The self-contained poolside unit has one ear-piercing integrated (in-pool) alarm that should get anyone in the immediate area to respond and turn their attention to area around the pool. Once the alarm is triggered only you can shut it off with the magnetic based key (provided) that will put the unit to "sleep" for the time that you desire.
If by chance you are in the house at the time, there is a portable remote (in house) base station (200 ft. range) that acts as a back-up second alarm to alert you as well. This back-up feature will give you that second layer of safety to hopefully draw your attention from inside the home to the potential problem in the pool area. Meaning that you need to get there right now.
The SAFE FAMILY LIFE POOL ALARM is self-contained, light-weight, water-resistant (not to be totally immersed), very sensitive, highly audible, and easy to operate the unit. It is battery operated (has audible low battery warning) and uses (2) 9-volt
batteries (not included) that power the pool deck unit. The remote unit comes with a 12-volt power source to be used in the from inside the home. It comes with an easy to install poolside stud mount that will hold the unit to the deck to prevent it from slipping into the water. But the mount and the handle on top of the unit allows the Pool Alert to be effortlessly lifted up and removed from the water if necessary. This is an important feature during those times when the pool is busy with adult and responsible swimmers and not needed.
Overall the Pool Alarm System (not to be confused with Pool Guard) is an affordable and convenient way to protect yourself and children from the possible dangers that are associated with swimming pools. There are many on the market that cost a lot more but do a lot less than the Pool Alert does.
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