Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Safety at the ATM Machine

By Great Wall Defense an Online  Personal Defense Store

Despite security cameras that are focused on bank machines (ATMs) and the crowds of people that walk past them on the street, people still get robbed while transacting business at the bank machine. Since these crimes often involve guns and other kinds of violence, you may find yourself being forced at gunpoint to not only remove your daily limit from your account, they may take your car, your cash on hand, and any other valuables you may possess. Because they do not want to go to jail, they may want even more from you, even your life. So needless to say, it’s becoming increasingly more important to use extra diligence as to using caution around bank ATM machines. It’s not just your money that is at risk, but it could mean your life, and the life your children that could be at risk.

Here are a few starter tips that will prove helpful to your personal safety level when you are using the ATM machine.

1. Be on the watch and know your surroundings. When you intend to use the machine, before you get out to use the ATM, watch people who are in the area or are hanging around the perimeter of the bank. When you decide to use it and things look safe, be mindful of any persons coming up behind and around you. If there are safety mirrors installed, glance in them from time to time to see who is approaching or that is now waiting behind you. If you’re really worried, you can cancel your transaction and announce loudly, “that you’re overdrawn”, then walk away.

2. Avoid using the bank machine at night, because robbers will be seeking people who are alone; especially when visibility is compromised. It can be tempting to grab some extra cash for the night club or bar, but use your debit card or your credit card at these venues instead of going for cash. While in the bar, do not accept anyone’s offer to HELP and PROTECT you by walking you to the ATM machine for more cash. If you run out of money, perhaps that is a subtle clue that it’s time to go home, rather than to continue drinking and perhaps lose coherence or control.

3. If there are suspicious people lingering near the machine before you even attempt to approach, just keep on walking. These people may very well be watching the ATM machines for an opportune moment to rob and or assault someone. Leave the area and then report your suspicions to the police when you’re in a safe public location away from the ATM. In this way, they can send a patrol by to check out the situation; even chasing them away for loitering. It could potentially save you or even someone else from being the victim of a serious crime.

4. Keep your wallet hidden away when you are at the ATM machine. Have your bank card out and ready to go. Keep your purse wrapped around your body to avoid a purse snatching. When the machine dispenses your cash, quickly tuck it into your jacket or pants pocket. You can always put it into your wallet when you’re in a store or a safer location. At the ATM machine or in the immediate area, please do not stop and count your cash. The bank machines have a high margin of accuracy. Remember that you can always count your cash later, and then notify the bank if there is a discrepancy at the next available opportunity.

5. Think ahead of the game and go online to see if there is a bank machine inside a bank near your workplace where you can conveniently and safely visit the machine during daylight hours. It will always be safer to visit a bank machine when the bank is open and busy conducting business.

Almost everyone is nervous when they use an outdoor banking machine, yet often it is the only time when one can do so. A person’s schedule can be busy. At some banks, you’re allowed to go inside to use the bank machine, while the rest of the bank is closed off, but be sure to exercise caution under these circumstances too. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for this helpful post. I’ll be showing this to my wife. I’m more wary of these types of situations, but she tends to very naive; believing only good people exist in the world. It is important to do little things like suggested in this post to ensure your safety and keep people away from your money and belongings!

    Stanley @ Triple Gem ATM
